Happylab im Make Magazine

Erinnert ihr euch? Dale Dougherty, Vordenker der Maker-Bewegung und Mitbegründer des Magazins "Make", hat uns im Juni einen Besuch abgestattet. 

Nun hat er für die aktuelle Ausgabe der amerikanischen Make einen umfassenden Artikel über das Happylab verfasst.

"A Model modern Maker Space

Vienna’s thriving Happylab is helping other makerspaces succeed

Happylab Vienna, the first makerspace in Austria, was inspired by Professor Herbert “Happy” Hörtlehner, who taught electronics and robotics at local schools and at the University of Vienna. Both of Happylab’s founders, Roland Stelzer and Karim Jafarmadar, were students of the professor in computer science, although at different times.  ..."

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Hört euch außerdem an, was Dale Dougherty über das Happylab sagt. 

"It's a fantastic space - one of the best really in the world ... I think there is a spirit here of people doing work together, it's a creative lab. I wish more people could come here and see it like I did ..."

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