Distributed Design Market 2020

Support your locals! Especially in times like these we think it's super important to support local small businesses and founders. In cooperation with the Distributed Design Platform, we introduce you to 20 makers and designers from the Happylab community who manufacture their products locally and with the digital production machines at Happylab Vienna, Salzburg & Berlin.


Happylab Wien

Since 2012 Anja Schober has found happiness in her innovative jewelry collections. In addition to modern design, individuality plays a central role in the small series. The Viennese jewelry designer specializes in high-quality processing of acrylic glass. The bending templates for the production of the jewelry were developed at Happylab Vienna on the CNC milling machine. Anja Schober has been preparing the acrylic glass for her jewelry on the laser cutter since 2012.
