We are super happy to again offer welding courses exclusively for women* in May 2023 and for the first time also welding courses for girls starting age 7 in April! Together with our workshop instructors Tatjana Schinko and Doris Kern, you will learn how to weld and gain lots of theoretical and practical knowledge.
The welding courses for women* and girls are sponsored by the City of Vienna - Frauenservice Wien (MA 57). Therefore we can offer the girls workshops for free and the women* only courses with reduced ticket prices (59€ instead of 79€/109€). The number of participants is limited - we are looking forward to your registrations! All workshops will be held in German!

Girls Workshop: Welding fantasy sculptures from metal (AGE 7-12)
Saturday, April 15th 2023 from 9 AM - 12 pm & 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

In these workshops at Happylab Vienna, girls from age 7 - 12 can weld together with workshop host Tatjana Schinko! The workshop will be held in German.
This workshop is just right for you if you want to create sculptures out of metal! In this safety and basic function course, our workshop host Tatjana Schinko will show you how to safely operate the MAG welding machine. After an intensive safety briefing, you will create sculptures from pre-cut sheet metal triangles that will cause surprise and pride. Of course, you can take your workpiece home with you after the workshop! Participation is free of charge! Duration: 3 hours
Workshop host Tatjana Schinko came into contact with metal for the first time during her studies of spatial and design strategies at the University of Art & Design and has not been able to get away from it since. As a social design artist, she welds - her often mobile artworks - at the makerspace GRAND GARAGE, where she hosts welding and locksmithing in the metal workshop. She regularly teaches welding classes and workshops there, and has experience in holding welding classes for kids.
Women* only! Welding courses
Saturday, May 6th 2023 from 10 AM - 1 Pm & 2 - 5 Pm
In this welding course exclusively for women*, locksmith Doris Kern will show you how to achieve great results with the welding torch in a simple and uncomplicated way. The workshop will be held in German.
In addition to basic theoretical knowledge about welding, you will of course also learn real skills in handling the welding torch! We offer a Women*only MAG welding course (10 am - 1 pm) & a Women* only TIG welding course (2 pm - 5 pm) on May 6th. Whether you are already a Happylab member or just want to try welding, you are welcome. No previous knowledge necessary! Reduced ticket price: 59€ instead of 79€/109€. Duration: 3 hours
Workshop host Doris Kern is a locksmith and employee of craftlab.at. Welding, splicing and leatherworking are among her areas of expertise.