Big news! In spring 2021, Happylab will move to its new location in Vienna's Stuwerviertel! Our new innovation workshop is being built on 900 m2 in Schönngasse 15 - 17 (1020 Vienna) in a former electric motor factory. The renovation work will start next week. With the move, we are tripling our space compared to the previous location and are greatly expanding our offer - based on the results of our community survey from summer 2018.
What to expect in the new location:
→ Expansion of our machine park, especially in the areas of metalworking, woodworking & finishing (e.g. metal laser, large-format portal milling machine with tool changer and vacuum table, sandblasting cabin ...)
→ integrated Co-working space
→ an extended training program
→ professional advice and coaching on prototyping and product development for start-ups and SMEs

Funding by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW), FFG & Vienna Business Agency
For the implementation of the planned expansion of infrastructure and services with a total cost of 1.5 million euros, we were able to acquire funding of 750,000 euros through the "innovation workshops" program of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW). In the next four years, Happylab will therefore be supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) with 500,000 euros in funding.
In addition to federal funding, the Vienna Business Agency is supporting the project with co-financing of EUR 250,000.
“Happylab is a key driver of innovation for Vienna and urban areas in general. We can be proud to have such an important partner for start-ups, founders and established companies for the urban production of tomorrow. In addition, I am impressed with how confident and energetic Happylab looks to the future and actively helps to shape it. "
- Vienna Business Agency Managing Director Gerhard Hirczi
As a local innovation and production workshop, Happylab is a lead project of the "Vienna 2030 - Economy & Innovation" strategy and part of the coalition agreement of the new Vienna city government. In the coming weeks and months we will of course keep you up to date on the construction progress and the latest updates. Stay tuned! 💥